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Partyin' around the world

The answer to meeting India’s challenges in the social sector might lie a new breed of entrepreneurship – one that takes the vision of the non governmental organization and couples it with the principles of management and strategic planning prevalent in private sector for-profit enterprises. More

Miracles do happen

It was a long journey from an automobile accident to comatose to semi-conscious to fully conscious state to critical care to general ward to outpatient therapy to long-term rehab in India. But, we the volunteer team pulled it through along with Sai Prasad Boddu. Congratulations to the volunteer team for the job well done. More

Dream a little MBA Dream

Within the last seven months the bits2school group’s membership has grown to 600, a clear indicator that many of us have an interest in getting an MBA and are keen to understand the admissions process better. In this issue we underscore the value proposition of an MBA from a top school. More

BITSian Faculty at B-schools

While most BITSians are aware of what business school’s like from a student perspective, fewer among us know what it’s like from a faculty perspective. We spoke with Kartik Hosanagar, Assistant Professor of Operations and Information Management at the Wharton School of Business to learn about his career path and experience as faculty at one of the world’s premier business schools. More

Networking – How Kingmakers Can Be More Powerful Than Kings Themselves

With a growing emphasis on relationship building and networking as one of the keys to success in the business world, many of us have discovered the power of the BITS Pilani alumni network through online communities such as Yahoo! Groups, Linked In and our very own BITSAA classnotes. More


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