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CSD – Entering An Era Of Collaborative Research
By Anindita Dutta (’ 03 Bio) In Coversation with Dr Rahul Banerjee
From Grid Computing to collaboration with MIT, some of the CSD’s recent initiatives have the potential to position BITS Pilani as the largest provider of science and technology-based education in India
Evaluation pattern at BITS – a new story
By Hemabindu Chitta ('02 Chemical)

A revamped test schedule, with tutorials and mid-sems, replaces the long withstanding three-test scheme and there’s already a lot of speculation about the reasons for the change. Our conversation with the Vice Chancellor, Dr. S Venkateshwaran
By Vernon Fernandez ('04 EEE) and Sandip Gangakhedkar ('05 EEE)
For the administration, BITSAT ’05 was a great success. Conducted in 14 centers all over India, it truly reflected the nationalized outlook that BITS Pilani has always desired. A pioneering venture, BITSAT ‘05 has already metamorphed from a prototype to a model that will probably remain in place for years to come.
Pharmacy Group 
By Sindhu Anand ('03 Bio)
Pharmaceutics and Biotechnology are set to revolutionizethe Health Sector. Lots of start-ups in the Pharma sector, the Pharma stocks booming, mind-boggling research with new discoveries almost every day, all these signal bigger days for the Industry. What is our very own Pharmacy Group doing in the face of these exciting new prospects? The topics raised during a talk with Prof R Mahesh, Group Leader, Pharmacy Group, mirrored the excitement in the Pharma field globally.
Back to BITS
By The Sandpaper 2.0 Team
BITS, Pilani – a place we’ve all fallen in love with. Sometimes, all of us hope that we can come back, and re-live those days. Here are a few of our faculty doing exactly that. Get to know these faculty members: BITSians then, and BITSians, now.
Oasis to Oasis
By Abhijit Kumar ('04 CSE)
Tracing the journey from small town Central India to the urbane Dubai for the dream degree – marking the four best years with a enthusiastic first batch of students, professors, underground rock shows and a vibrant hostel