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 Campus Notes


More on BITS, Pilani, Goa

By Krithika Kalyan ('00)

A while back, when the threat of my impending quarter life crisis was not looming ever so closer, and when I was not one more trip shy of becoming a non-resident Goan, I along with my then-boss (also a BITSian) and his family managed to purposely got lost on our way back to the holiday resort, where the rest of the office folks were camped, and quickly found ourselves on NH-17. We had carefully planned and included a trip to the Goa campus in the itinerary, even though it meant we would have to endure a grim morning-after scenario. (In case I had not made myself clear yet, it was GOA! It was an all expenses paid trip and it was a Sunday morning!)   The last day at Pilani having passed just a few months back for me, I could still distinctly remember the last nasty bump on the Pilani-Delhi road which made me and the rest of the bus exhibit some gravity defying stunts of our own. “I might have passed out a few years back, but I still know what you are talking about”, my boss declared and both of us collectively sighed at the thought of the younglings having it nice and easy these days – I mean, come on, leave alone the smooth ride and the fact Pilani is the best darn place on mother earth, but you gotta admit - Spending four or five of your impressionable years at Goa is a temptation for anyone!

After passing through a score of industrial plants and regional hubs of multinational electronic giants, we reached campus.

Being a Sunday, there were very few prowling the class rooms. I later dug up information to discover that the first set of students belonged to the 2004 batch. It is hence of little surprise now that there seemed to be so few in the main building and on campus as such, considering we had visited the campus in November 2004. I got across to a couple of students through email and they filled me up with some more tidbits This batch apparently has more than 550 students and what is heartening is that  40% of this number, are girls. (232 out of 564 to be exact). The number of girls in the 2005 batch has seen a dip with the ratio standing at 466:75.

The hostels which face the campus building houses the students based on the batch. The nomenclature followed for naming the hostels has not exactly been inspired by pre-historic god-men, The girls hostels are simply called GH1, GH2 and GH3. In fact, the walls of one of the hostels are being shared by both the boys and the girls, a thought which was inconceivable at Pilani, much to the agony of some! While the 2004 batch girls occupy GH1 and GH2, all the girls in the 2005 batch stay in GH3, which has been partitioned in order to have the boys use the rest of the building. The curfew hours have now been set at 11 p.m, after a briefly being as 10 p.m initially. The hostels have their own separate wardens, hostel superintendents and assistants. One of the girls from the 2005 batch, Lita Das says that they share a wonderful rapport with their wardens, thanks to their frequent meetings in their common rooms. They also manage to have share an amazing bond amidst themselves, not only by virtue of the combined ghotting routines to cope with the academic rigor, but also due to enthu sessions such as the inter hostel events. They have their own cultural and sports representatives for their hostels who put together such fun events, which find very active participants! The girls just wanna have fun, I guess! They have not exactly being outdone by the boys when it comes to acads either. The girls have also been burning up the mercury on the CGPA scales too with a couple of them being 10 pointers (gulp!).

Aalap Tripathy, a 2004 batch student claims that not only the girls, the entire legion of  students at the Goa campus has been having a rollickin’ good time. They recently hosted Waves 2006, the annual cultural event at the BITS-Pilani, Goa Campus, which attracted the energetic participation of.several local colleges, in a host of events such as Dumbcharades, Debate, Antakshari, Quiz, several song and dance competitions and even Mr. & Miss WAVES 2006. Next year, the students intend to make it even bigger by inviting colleges from far and wide. Besides WAVES, the campus also comes together for Zephyr 2006 (the wind before the waves – an Intra College event) and intra hostel sports events. Occasions such as regional new years, Dussehera, Ganesh Chaturdhi etc also have a lot of festivities attached to them

Student participation in governance is also intense.  There is a Council for Student Affairs, the elections for which were conducted online at the beginning of the academic year in August. The polling software was indigenously developed and implemented by Aalap and the other students themselves, which is quite a commendable achievement since the campus currently has only 1st and 2nd yearites! Besides the President of the Student Body, there are various posts catering to definite functions such as Vice President, General Secretary, Treasury etc. There are a host of hostel representative elected to posts like Mess, Sports, Cultural, maintenance and utilities. It is also interesting to note that there are students working on drafting and finalizing the functioning of a constitution called Constitution Making Body (CMB).

I recently read an article, which elaborated on another acronym doing the rounds to blatantly bracket people. Close on the heels of Yuppies (Young Urban Professionals) and Dinkies (Double Income No Kids Yet), there are the TIREDs (Thirty Something Independent Radical Educated Dropouts). It appears that there are quite a few who have turned their backs on a seven figure salary, taken the plunge into doing something on their own  and retreated to Goa to fish or write or sell flowery shirts etc etc. My plan is much more workable, I think! I don’t want to reveal all the details yet – but let me give you a hint – It involves the letters P-h-D and of course the BITS-Pilani, Goa, Campus!

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